Legal, accounting and finance services promoting stable growth of your business
Tactis means full accounting and legal service for businesses which look for a reliable and truly devoted advisor in all business challenges.
You know perfectly well that such challenges have always been, are and will always be. Since now you also know that you may rely on Tactis.
Good partnership
We understand the world of business,
we speak clearly and we deeply care
for our Client's business.
Professional knowledge
Tactis provides you with one service
covering multiple specialties
and years of experience.
At Tactis we prevent problems
and we show
Law, finance and accounting services
by one team of experts
When we start our cooperation with a Client we want to understand well their business model. Thanks to the above approach, we are able to arrive at the right conclusions and define the growth potential of your business. Financial performance of a buiness gives more information than you think. Well prepared number data that are communicated to business owners and analysed by them form a basis for effective decision making and competent management of your business.
Why Us
All that really matters - in one offer
Tactis means full service package to meet everyday needs of your business. Tactis provides you with all that matters for your business security and growth:
- Nowoczesne biuro rachunkowe
- Specjaliści z wielu dziedzin w jednym miejscu
- Doświadczona i zaangażowana kadra
- Specjalizacja w prawie gospodarczym i podatkowym
- Bezpieczeństwo i kontrola jakości
- Polisa ubezpieczeniowa
Nowoczesne biuro rachunkowe
Prowadzenie firmy z Tactis jest bardzo komfortowe. Komunikacja online, dostęp do informacji i dokumentów Twojej firmy 24/h na dobę, wszystko w jednym miejscu z komputera, tabletu lub telefonu. Przelewy do urzędów, i kontrahentów, kontrola białej listy podatników i wiele innych rzeczy, które pochłaniały Twój czas, działają teraz o wiele szybciej albo całkowicie automatycznie.
Specjaliści z wielu dziedzin w jednym miejscu
Tactis to eksperci z wielu obszarów, którzy wspólnie pracują dla Twojej firmy: księgowi, biegli rewidenci, doradcy podatkowi, radcy prawni, doradcy restrukturyzacyjni i dyrektorzy finansowi. Działamy razem, by wspólnie zaoferować Ci najlepsze rozwiązania i zapewnić informację i spokój, których oczekujesz.
Doświadczona i zaangażowana kadra
Od ponad 15 lat doradzamy i obsługujemy małe, średnie i duże firmy, również spółki giełdowe, w dziesiątkach branż. Wierzymy w rozwój dzięki kompetencjom — budujemy zespół doskonałych ekspertów, by nasi klienci otrzymywali doskonałe rozwiązania. Każdy sukces klienta to nasz powód do dumy.
Specjalizacja w prawie gospodarczym i podatkowym
Tactis to kompleksowa, wielowymiarowa obsługa różnych form działalności gospodarczej, z naciskiem na spółki. Szczególną uwagę poświęcamy prawu podatkowemu, korporacyjnemu, sprawom restrukturyzacji, przekształceń i przejęć, sporom i dochodzeniom należności oraz umowom w obrocie gospodarczym. W codziennej praktyce mamy również do czynienia z prawem karnym oraz karno-skarbowym, prawem pracy i ubezpieczeń społecznych oraz prawem budowlanym. Cokolwiek dotyczy prawa, księgowości bądź podatków — możesz liczyć na naszą wiedzę i doświadczenie.
Bezpieczeństwo i kontrola jakości
Sprawdzamy każdy szczegół dla Ciebie i za Ciebie. Nic nie jest pozostawione przypadkowi — zatrudniamy fachowców, którym można zaufać, ale również na bieżąco weryfikujemy ich pracę. Nad prawidłową obsługą Twojej firmy stale czuwają doświadczeni księgowi, radcy prawni, doradcy podatkowi i biegli rewidenci. Korzystamy też z wiedzy zewnętrznych, stale współpracujących z Tactis specjalistów z wielu branż pozaprawnych, stosownie do aktualnych potrzeb klienta. Na straży Twojego spokoju oraz standardu jakości stoją kompetencje zespołu, współpraca ekspertów z wielu dziedzin oraz wewnętrzne procedury kontroli Tactis.
Polisa ubezpieczeniowa
Tu również na pierwszym miejscu stawiamy dobro klienta — nasze polisy ubezpieczeniowe obejmują przeniesienie odpowiedzialności na Tactis. Poza podstawowym, obowiązkowym ubezpieczeniem OC suma zawartych polis ubezpieczeniowych opiewa na ponad 5.000.000,00 zł. Możesz czuć się bezpiecznie.
- Cutting-edge accounting office
- Experts in various fields all under one roof
- Experienced and committed staff
- Commercial law and tax law
- Safety and quality control
- Insurance policy
Cutting-edge accounting office
Running your business with Tactis is supercomfortable. On-line communication, 24/7 access to data and documents related to your business – all under one roof available now on your computer, tablet or smart phone. Bank transfers to state offices and to trading partners, checking the list of business entities registered as VAT payers, as well as many other time-consuming tasks from now on will be made much faster or even automatically.
Experts in various fields all under one roof
Tactis means experts in various fields who cooperate to bring synergistic benefits to your business: accountants, auditors, tax advisors, attorneys-at-law, restructuring advisors and CFOs. At Tactis we work as a team to produce best possible solutions and to provide you with the data you need and peace and quite you deserve.
Experienced and committed staff
For more than 15 years we have been providing advice and service to small and medium-sized businesses and large companies in different sectors – including listed companies. We believe in growth through competency development – we have formed a team of perfect experts so that our Clients can get perfect solutions. Every single success on our Client’s behalf is the source of much pride to our team.
Commercial law and tax law
Tactis provides comprehensive and multi-dimensional services to all different forms of business with emphasis on companies and partnerships. Our main focus is tax law, corporate law and issued related to restructuring, transformations and acquisitions of businesses as well as dispute resolutions, debt recovery and business contracts. On a daily basis we also deal with criminal law and fiscal law, labour law and social security law and construction law. In all issues pertinent to law, accounting or taxes 0 you may rely on our knowledge and experience.
Safety and quality control
At Tactis we check every single detail for you and for the benefit of your business. At Tactis we leave nothing to chance – we hire experts who can be trusted, however, we also supervise their work on an ongoing basis. The quality of our service to your business is routinely monitored by experienced accountants, attorneys-at-law, tax advisors and auditors. We also outsource external specialists in various areas on an ongoing basis to gain their expertise to grow your business as needed. At Tactis your peace and quality standards are guarded by our team’s skills and close cooperation of experts in various fields as well ass by in-house control processes.
Insurance policy
Here again, our Client’s interest is in the foreground – our policies guarantee transfer of liability to Tactis. Beside the obligatory professional liability insurance, the insurance polices taken out by Tactis amount to more than PLN 5 000 000.00. With Tacts you may feel safe.
Cutting-edge accounting office
Running your business with Tactis is supercomfortable. On-line communication, 24/7 access to data and documents related to your business – all under one roof available now on your computer, tablet or smart phone. Bank transfers to state offices and to trading partners, checking the list of business entities registered as VAT payers, as well as many other time-consuming tasks from now on will be made much faster or even automatically.
Experts in various fields all under one roof
Tactis means experts in various fields who cooperate to bring synergistic benefits to your business: accountants, auditors, tax advisors, attorneys-at-law, restructuring advisors and CFOs. At Tactis we work as a team to produce best possible solutions and to provide you with the data you need and peace and quite you deserve.
Experienced and committed staff
For more than 15 years we have been providing advice and service to small and medium-sized businesses and large companies in different sectors – including listed companies. We believe in growth through competency development – we have formed a team of perfect experts so that our Clients can get perfect solutions. Every single success on our Client’s behalf is the source of much pride to our team.
Commercial law and tax law
Tactis provides comprehensive and multi-dimensional services to all different forms of business with emphasis on companies and partnerships. Our main focus is tax law, corporate law and issues related to restructuring, transformations and acquisitions of businesses as well as dispute resolutions, debt recovery and business contracts. On a daily basis we also deal with criminal law and fiscal law, labour law and social security law and construction law. In all issues pertinent to law, accounting or taxes you may rely on our knowledge and experience.
Safety and quality control
At Tactis we check every single detail for you and for the benefit of your business. At Tactis we leave nothing to chance – we hire experts who can be trusted, however, we also supervise their work on an ongoing basis. The quality of our service to your business is routinely monitored by experienced accountants, attorneys-at-law, tax advisors and auditors. We also outsource external specialists in various areas on an ongoing basis to gain their expertise to grow your business as needed. At Tactis your peace and quality standards are guarded by our team’s skills and close cooperation of experts in various fields as well ass by in-house control processes.
Insurance policy
Here again, our Client’s interest is in the foreground – our policies guarantee transfer of liability to Tactis. Beside the obligatory professional liability insurance, the insurance polices taken out by Tactis amount to more than PLN 5 000 000.00. With Tacts you may feel safe.
Tactis principles
Peace of mind is the key to success
We believe that what stimulates the steady growth of your business is self-knowledge and being well-acquainted with your business environment. Deep understanding of your financial standing, analysing the effectiveness of your actions, careful evaluation of business data, figures and signals coming from the business environment (markets, regulators, clients, competition…)
When you clearly see what your business is like right now, you can also see what it can be like in the future. Then you know what is worth doing and what is not.
With Tactis you will gain a broader perspective on your business.
When developing your business you need space for staying focused, for putting aside all irrelevant tasks and then for setting new business goals wisely.
What business owners exactly need is this space we want to give them. That is why at Tactis we believe in total commitment which unlocks full potential and scaling opportunities.
All that Tactis achieves with Clients and for Clients is based on 4 basic principles:
Team of experts
Tactis: ways to grow your business peacefully
A business owner is a person professionally engaged in making decisions. At Tactis we care for this decision-making process to be distraction-free and for the decisions to be based on reliable data and information.
Our Client sets and achieves their business goals and we are their legal, accounting and finance support from the very first day of our cooperation.
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What is it like to grow your business peacefully?
Tactis provides a unique product: peace. Our Clients do not worry about legal, fiscal, HR&payroll or accounting issues – they know we have our finger on the pulse and we care for their affairs as earnestly as we care for ours. This is how we understand professionalism at Tactis. See what the business owners who are our Clients say:
Ask about comprehensive legal, accounting and
financial services for your business:
See what we can
offer to you.
Our commitment starts with the very first conversation we hold –
– a conversion which does not bind you but which unlocks new opportunities.
See how you can develop your business
more comfortably than ever before: