
from Tactis Clients: see what other business owners think about Tactis.

How is it to develop your business and be sure that you are offered proper legal, accounting and tax services? Comments from Tactis Clients.

These are the owners of businesses of various sizes and from various business sectors who know best what it means to cooperate with Tactis. They are business owners just like you.

Their time is precious and their word means a lot. We asked them to express their opinions about their cooperation with Tactis:

We are more than satisfied and definitely recommend Tacis legal, accounting and advisory services. Professional consulting and advisory services helped us better organise and go through each stage of restructuring proceedings, whereas the HR & payroll services we have been provided with later on proves that Tactis team is highly competent in many areas of law, accounting and finance.

Best Western Hotel Mariacki (2)

Anna Chwałko General Manager

Browar Mariacki Sp. z o.o.

Tactis has provided us with comprehensive services rendered by experts in multiple fields of law and finance which has help us a great deal in successful and major reorganisation of our operations to be well aligned with the needs of business sectors new to our company. Tactis has also shaped our accounting polices in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards. We have been given assistance in transferring accounting documents and data from former accounting office to Tactis professionals and assistance in cutting the costs of accounting services. Tactis means real professionals who I can certainly recommend.

PBS Finanse S.A.

Rafał Witasik – Prezes Zarządu

PBS Finanse S.A.

The team led by Prof. Tobor and Mr. Mirosław Mozdżeń is a business partner who we recommend highly and without reservation to every business in need of committed and diligent service. The cooperation on Tacis side was punctual, professional and with perfect communication on an ongoing basis, and what is most important, this cooperation produced the desired effect – from the initiation of restructuring proceedings, through conducting these proceedings, to the final composition with creditors. We are fully satisfied with every stage of this restructuring process.


Artur Siewierski – President of the Board of

Bumech S.A.

Expertise, experience and dedication of Tactis experts enabled us to efficiently take on the massive task of payroll processing in relation to more than a 1000 employees and to prepare, within one month, an application to be submitted to the Guaranteed Employee Benefits Fund [Fundusz Gwarantowanych Świadczeń Pracowniczych]. We recommend Tacis services and if we needed such services, we would choose this team of experts again.

biuro rachunkowe, kancelaria podatkowa i prawna

Marcin Ferdyn – Syndyk

Elektrobudowa S.A. in insolvency proceedings

We have been cooperating with Tacis for several years now and we have been more than satisfied with the services Tacis has been providing to our business. Assisting in selection of of optimal form of business for us, reacting to most recent changes, showing initiative, adjusting our business structure to meet new regulations and challenges, meeting us at our headquarters to discuss new ideas and assumptions – this is evidence of high professional standards and exemplary accounting services, tax and legal services which are of vital importance for every developing business.

logo Elektroprofit

Mirosław Kocoń – Management Board Member of

Elektroprofit Sp. z o.o.

With this reference letter I hereby confirm my cooperation with Mr. Mirosław Mozdżeń, legal advisor and the team of his lawyers in relation to conducting restructuring proceedings.

The course of our cooperation up to this point makes it justifiable to assess this team as fully professional. Their extensive expertise in the field of law and commitment to solving delegated tasks resulted in high effectiveness, especially in issues of considerable difficulty, i.e. entering into composition with the creditors. Judging by the cooperation with Tactis up to this point I can recommend highly and without reservation Mr. Mirosław Mozdżeń and his team of professionals as experts in the field of restructuring and bankruptcy and insolvency law.

logo socrates

Marcin Juzoń – President of the Board of

Socrates Investment Spółka Akcyjna

Many thanks for your substantial and expert assistance in the transformation of my Polish company. Tactis team has changed this difficult task in an opportunity for development, whereas, the issue of accounting and legal service has ceased to be a burden in our everyday operations.


Adam Weiss – Partner in

EnmaTek GmbH

We greatly appreciate the quality of services by Tactis team and broad range of their legal and accounting skills. Assistance in selecting proper form of business,setting up a new daughter company, virtual office services, consultancy and advice — every time we benefited from impeccable communication, attention to details and welcoming atmosphere of dialogue and cooperation in reaching a common goal. Most importantly, our cooperation brought the effects we wanted.


Jonathan Gautheron – President of the Board of

GoBeep Poland Sp. z o.o.

We are glad that on our business pathway we have met Prof. Tobor and Mr. Mozdżeń together with their team who has been building Tacis brand. They have provided us with legal and accounting services which every single company in Poland desires. On a daily basis and in relation to every finance, tax and payroll challenge as well as issues related to state offices and many other details that business owners are forced to face but would rather avoid — we always know that there is a strong team of experts who we can ask practically about all topics and who always come up with effective, feasible and safe solutions. From our point of view, Tactis combines optimally cutting-edge solutions e.g. on-line access to your business data and data on the performance of your business, with reliability and trustworthiness of traditional service. Our finance and all accounting formalities are in good hands. Having the service and consultancy by Tacis at our disposal, we have more time and energy for things that are vital to the development of our company – which means that the legal and accounting service we get can’t be better.

biuro rachunkowe, kancelaria podatkowa i prawna

Łukasz Cieplak – President of the Board of

ML Spirits Sp. z o.o.

It is with great pleasure that I recommend your office to any business looking for professional, experienced and effective service in the area of accounting and HR & payroll. For several years of cooperation with Polis Clinic, Tactis experts, on multiple occasions, have proved their involvement, thorough preparation and genuine willingness to be an important and supportive asset to our company.
We know perfectly well that in the field of accounting and HR & payroll we are offered the best services.

10.Logo Polis Clinic

Zbigniew Chełmicki – President of the Board of

Polis Clinic Sp. z o.o.

The knowledge and experience of Mr. Adam Mozdżeń and of Tactis partners proved to be invaluable support while I was entering the Polish market. We deeply appreciate the how-how of entire Tactis team, their broad range of competence and their constant readiness to find original and effective solutions to the legal challenges that every company faces.


Husein Kemaloglu – President of the Board of

Sentez International Sp. z o.o.

We have been fully satisfied with the services rendered by Tactis. We recommend these services to companies looking for competent accounting and HR & payroll services. We have seen that the solutions offered by Tactis are effective and that they are delivered with utmost care and diligence.

Agnieszka Kita – President of the Board of

Expertcash Sp. z o.o.

Tactis has given us substantial assistance in numerous aspects of our business operations – from accounting issues to consultancy services in relation to business decision. One solution which has earned much praise from the Board and managerial staff is the unlimited on-line access to financial and accounting data of the company. . We can fully recommend Tacis as reliable and effective partners having the knowledge and experience you can completely rely on. Tactis team has been giving us all that a company intending to safely develop in Poland really needs.

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Tomasz Gałuszka – Board Member of

Siłownia Sp. z o.o.

I sincerely appreciate professional assistance and advice Tactis offered me while I was doing business in Poland as well as their supervision over and dealing with some crucial tasks while we were building a new organisation (legal issues, recruiting employees, negotiating with business partners). It is good to have such a well-prepared and versatile team of experts at your disposal.

14. logo - Winterbourne

Bruce Robinson – Owner


We highly recommend Tacis as generous and solid support in the field of law, accounting, taxes and general finance. We can always rely on the expertise and long-term experience of a big team and we feel that we have been offered reliable and tested service. We are totally satisfied and for sure we will cooperate in the future.


Sebastian Nowacki – Board Member of

Sebdar Sp. z o.o.

We recommend the services rendered by the team of Prof. Tobora. We are content with the quality, punctuality and the comprehensive character of their service. We have always been able to rely on you — and this is what really counts in business.

br consulting

Błażej Cieplak – President of the Board of

BCR Consulting Sp. z o.o.

We recommend services by Tactis and the team of accounting and finance experts led by Mr. Adam Mozdżeń. Spółka Silesia Cars Sp. z o.o. has been owing for several years on also thanks to choosing proper business partners – and here we can say for sure that we have found such proper partners.

Logo duże Silesia

Michał Grobert – Managing Director of

Silesia Cars Sp. z o.o.

On behalf of MANSE POLAND Sp. z o.o. I am pleased to confirm our cooperation with Tactis – the provider of accounting and HR & payroll services to our branch in Poland. With this letter of recommendation we would like to give Tacis team credit for their reliable and professional services. Both Tactis owners and their employees meet high standards of personal ethics, they are professional, reliable and fully committed to their tasks. Tactis has been keeping our books of accounts with due diligence and in accordance with fiscal laws and regulations. In the light of the above, it is our pleasure to recommend the services provided by Tacis and suggest Tactis as a reliable partner providing full accounting service to your company.


Michał Niedźwiecki – President of the Board of


Tactis team is our partner providing full accounting and finance services to our company. This team earned our trust and we are delighted to cooperate and grow hand in hand with them. Thanks to the on-line access to current financial performance, receivables, profitability and many other information on our company granted by Tactis, we can make decisions more smoothly and efficiently no matter where our decision-makers are right now. It is of utmost importance for off-site employees and on-line meetings. The assistance of Tactis experts is invaluable and deserves full credit.

tpr project

Radosław Paulewicz – President of the Board of

TPR Projects Sp. z o.o.

I recommend Tactis accounting and tax- related services . Tacis is a team we have been always able to rely on with outstanding communication skills and Client service and excellent quality of offered solutions.


Maciej Ciemniewski – President of the Board of

MMHC Sp. z o.o.

Our expectations have been met by Tacis experts in every respect. We have been given valuable tips, content-related support and comprehensive services throughout the entire process of the company reorganisation. All the time we have had instant access to all key data of the company and of its departments which has made our operations easier and faster. We strongly recommend Tactis as a team of experts fully devoted to and focused on their Client’s aims.

biuro rachunkowe, kancelaria podatkowa i prawna


As a company with foreign investment (the United Arab Emirates) we require our tax and law office to have broad competence and experience in multiple aspects of accounting and finance – starting with the organisational and legal form of business. Tactis law and accounting office has met these requirements handsomely and we are delighted to recommend full cooperation with Tacis.

Succesline Sp. z o.o.

I have worked with Tactis team in relation to many proceedings. For many years of our cooperation Tactis team has met a high standard of work ethics, showed devotion to each aspect of their Client’s goals and shared their experience which has allowed us properly respond to all legal and finance challenges. We have benefited from accounting and consultancy services by Tacts in relation to highly demanding insolvency and bankruptcy proceedings, restructuring proceedings, including: listed companies and a bank or branches of foreign companies dealing with emission trading. Zakres i czas współpracy pozwala mi z całą odpowiedzialnością polecić zespół Tactis jako solidnego partnera, który nie tylko sumiennie wykonuje swoje obowiązki, ale również wychodzi z inicjatywą i doradza w innych kwestiach związanych z prowadzeniem postępowania.

Syndyk masy upadłościowej Imię Nazwisko do uzupełnienia |współpraca przy postępowaniu upadłościowym m.in. Podkarpackiego Banku Spółdzielczego czy Zakładów Mięsnych Henryk Kania S.A.

Z panem Adamem Mozdżeń i jego zespołem współpracuję przy postępowaniach upadłościowych do wielu lat. Mam pełne zaufanie i szacunek do jego kompetencji, skuteczności i stylu działania. To partnerzy, na których można polegać, i którzy sprawiają, że każde zadanie może zostać wykonane sprawniej i dokładniej.

Syndyk masy upadłościowej Imię Nazwisko do uzupełnienia |współpraca przy postępowaniu upadłościowym m.in. GC Investment S.A.

Panowie prof. dr hab. Zygmunt Tobor i Mirosław Mozdżeń zapewnili naszej spółce bardzo wysoki poziom obsługi prawnej, przemyślane i fachowe doradztwo, oraz skuteczność w działaniu i decyzyjność, która wielokrotnie pomogła nam podjąć lepsze biznesowej decyzje. Bazując na naszym dotychczasowym doświadczeniu ze współpracy z Kancelarią, możemy jednoznacznie polecić usługi tego zespołu.

Energosynergia S.A.

Polecamy kancelarię prof. Tobora jako zaufanego, wszechstronnego partnera w wyzwaniach prawnych, którego dowiódł swego profesjonalizmu, efektywności i zaangażowania. Szukaliśmy partnera o bogatym i solidnym doświadczeniu, i nie zawiedliśmy się. Z pełnym przekonaniem możemy zarekomendować ten zespół spółkom szukającym poważnego wsparcia w postępowaniu restrukturyzacyjnym bądź upadłościowym.

Regnon S.A.

Pan prof. Tobor z zespołem kancelarii dostarczył spółce Secus Property S.A. najwyższy poziom profesjonalizmu, odpowiedzialności i wnikliwej analizy potrzeb klienta. Otrzymaliśmy wiedzę, właściwe wskazówki i czas wielu ekspertów potrzebne, by postępowanie układowe zakończyło się sukcesem i satysfakcją wszystkich stron. Nie bez znaczenia jest również terminowość i jasna, przejrzysta komunikacja, ułatwiająca szybkie procedowanie etap po etapie. Kancelaria zdecydowanie zasługuje na pełne uznanie, podziękowanie i polecenie.

Secus Property S.A.

Ask about comprehensive legal, accounting and
financial services for business:

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