Tactis team will help you start a new business with a step-by-step start plan to facilitate achievement of your goals.
Starting a new business is a decisive moment for its future. Relationships, duties and obligations and even taxes – a great number of crucial issues are defined on the very first day of a new business.
We encourage you to form your company, partnership, proprietorship in such a way so that later on all these things can go smoothly. First we will show you how to do that (and later on we will support and assist you so that you can take advantage of all these favorable opportunities):
insurance policy
+15 years
of experience
of satisfied Clients
of experts
Starting a new business with Tactis:
all in one day with no need to leave your
Legal support and assistance provided by Tactis while starting a business allows
planning all the details to facilitate future achievements.
This is also an ideal beginning of subsequent regular
cooperation with Tactis in the field of accounting and legal services.
First, Tactis experts will help you select a legal form for your new business which
will give you ample opportunities for growth and, later on, Tactis team
will help you grasp these opportunities.
Legal form of your new business
well-adjusted to your needs
Legal form of a business defines what taxes your business needs to pay, what costs it generates, your personal liability as well as how easy it is to administer business assets. Sole proprietorship, a general partnership, a limited partnership, limited company [spółka z o.o.], simple joint stock company [PSA], a joint stock company – Tactis experts will help you select a legal form perfectly tailored to the business goals you want to achieve.
Business structure
tailored to your business goals
A business format is like a competitive boat format – it will perform best only in the circumstances which it is well-adjusted to. This is why Tactis team analyse every financial and legal aspect of your operations so that you can have a business form which you just need. Such an analysis involves: proceeds and cost, opportunity-risk analysis, assessment of legal norms of a given business sector and adjusting business format and taxation format to future income.
Balance between safety
and risk
Risk optimisation allows taking up
opportunities for growth with no need to expose your personal assets. External financing, costs, length of production cycle, number of employees – Tactis experts will take a closer look at numerous aspects of your planned operations and will come up with legal and finance solutions tailored to your goals and projects.
Taxes well-adjusted to
your business
While starting a business you have a considerable influence on its tax obligations; it is worth grasping such a opportunity. A taxation form well-adjusted to your business often leads to considerable reduction in taxes which is not tax optimisation (legal safety). Moreover, it often allows reducing the amount of taxes or even exempt you from paying taxes and social security premiums in initial years of your business.
Detailed and accurate
Articles of Association/ partnership agreement
The provisions of Articles of Association/ partnership agreement – when properly formulated – allow many problems to be avoided. The more shareholders or partners there are, the more important it is to carefully formulate and write down the rules governing your business, the right and duties of its partners/shareholders, of company/partnership governing bodies, rules governing succession and making contributions, etc. Articles of Association/ partnership agreement are like the constitution of your business; Tactis experts will help you polish every detail of it.
Setting up and registering
your new business
Having analysed and planned every detail, Tactis team will take care of all formalities connected with registration. It may take up just one day, but Tactis team always has time for you and always acts intently and meticulously. This is the key moment at which a general framework for future business operations and for business owners actions is established. Tactis professional knowledge and experience is at your disposal at every stage.
Thanks to legal services provided by Tactis, you can be sure that
every single minute of your time
is optimally effective.
Several dozen of experts and one
unalterable quality standard

For years we have been supporting business owners
in the field of law, taxes, accounting
and finance. Get to know Tactis:
Take a look at what other business owners think
about Tactis
How is it to develop your business and be sure that you are offered proper
legal, accounting and tax services?
Comments from Tactis Clients:
Ask about comprehensive legal, accounting and
financial services for your business:
See what we can
offer to you.
Our commitment starts with the very first conversation we hold –
– a conversion which does not bind you but which unlocks new opportunities.
See how you can develop your business
more comfortably than ever before: